Sunday 1:27 AM

Devil Tattoo Design

Devil Tattoo Design

In several religions, the devil is the opposite of God, goodness, or divinity. He actively works to undermine good works and strives to bring about the ruin of those religions. Because of this, devil tattoos are often assumed to be evil, or that people with devil tattoos are evil. This is not necessarily true.

Most devil tattoos symbolize a mischievous or impish nature. The person might behave in a naughty, wayward, or troublesome manner. This, obviously, is more of a character trait than any great evil. Sometimes, devil tattoos represent an old way of life. Someone who went through a difficult time, like a period of addiction or frequent fighting, might get a devil tattoo to represent this time in their lives, a time of self-indulgent behavior. Devil tattoos can also simply represent the existence of temptation.

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