Wednesday 1:33 AM

Frances Bean Cobain Tattoos

1. Inner, upper right and left arms feature a quote from the Jeff Buckley song “Grace.” The first two verses are on her left arm, and the last in on her right:

“There’s the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Well it’s my time coming, I’m not afraid to die.”

2. Along with the Buckley quote, Frances also as a cartoon character on her right arm. It’s a cartoon character named Seymour Sunshine, created by Al Columbia.

3. On Frances’ right shoulder, she has a photo of gay icon and English humorist Quentin Crisp:

4. Across the middle of her back is a quote in French. It’s reported to be an inelegant translation of the English phrase “Art is the solution to chaos” rather than a French phrase of it’s own right, but it’s still beautiful, and has a lovely meaning.

5. Flower tattoo on left wrist, which matches the various Cherry Blossom tattoos her mom has all over her body. Frances got hers first, when she was 15, and has two petals coming off the flower. Frances also has a star tattoo on her hand.

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