Wednesday 1:02 AM

Kelly Brook Pictures on Peta

Model and actor Kelly Brook has posed for a new PETA ad, to show her protest against the skinning of reptiles.

Kelly, often voted one of the sexiest women in the world, prefers to be in her birthday suit than to wear a dress made of snakeskin.

“Whose skin are you in?” the ad poses the question and goes on to aver that “Animals belong in the wild, not in your wardrobe.”

The ad was shot at Bryan Adams’ Chelsea studio.

“It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts. Our message is to support the designers who are creative without being destructive, and go for the great fakes that pay tribute to the animals' beauty without killing them,” Kelly is quoted to have said at the unveiling of the ad outside the London Transport Museum.

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